Schematic Design
Integrating Material Choices
Wood slabs were generously supplied and delivered to the Daniels building by We Care Tree Care. This provided an excellent opportunity and added challenge for the studio to incorporate live edge wood into their design approach. Each slab, with unique characteristics, was carefully evaluated to determine the best use based on its thickness, overall dimensions, and character.
1) Milled lumber stored on the Island
2) Lumber arriving at the Daniels Building
3) Slabs laid out for initial measuring and labelling
4) Impromptu guest talk with Daniels Assistant Professor, Zachary Mollica
With the lumber at the Daniels Building, the students documented each slab by roughly measuring and labelling them. Assistant Professor Zachary Mollica spoke to the studio about various woodworking techniques. His talk included lessons on planing, sanding, removing bark from live edges, and applying finishes for outdoor use.
Habib Yosufi and Vineel Sharma run a live edge slab multiple times through a wood planar.
1) Mohamad Sinjab uses an orbital sander to finish the surfaces of an ash wood slabs
2) Faizah Ahmad and Sarah Bosy remove bark from the live edge wood slabs using a drawknife
3) Significant cracks were sanded and filled with epoxy or water-based wood filler
4) Slabs for bar tops were finished with two coats of polyurethane